Saturday, December 18, 2010


There has been a divine work of grace in this frail life. I was born in sin, and in sin my mother conceived me. No goodness possessed, even from childhood, only depravity and darkness.


But the light of grace was sent as a burning sign upon me. I am marked. Chosen for redemption, by merit not my own, but by the infinite worth of he who bore the fullness of my transgression in love, declaring me to be right and blameless, Jesus Christ.




  Rapha'. Hebrew, to heal, to repair. As Elijah repaired the Lord's altar, so the Lord has repaired my broken life. Healed cracks, mended tears. Purified, as a refining blaze melts and separates for itself pure gold.


Oh, such mercy has captivated my eyes! He has healed my eyes, " Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.", he has renewed my mind to dwell in purity, he has restored my ears to hear his song.


What power and strength in this cleansing work of the master! A turning of my eyes from corruption, to the incorruptible, a transformation of my mind, from deathly dullness to sharp true-ness and direction, a replacement of my heart of stone with a beating, breathing core of life and warmth.


“Therefore say: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will gather you from the nations and bring you back from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you back the land of Israel again.’


 “They will return to it and remove all its vile images and detestable idols. I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be my people, and I will be their God."

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wait - Pt. 2

The word is tarry. Now almost antiquated, rarely arising to be noticed or thought upon. To tarry in his presence. To persevere in pursuit, to stoke desire. What would you do, to know him? What would you put aside to hear his voice?

I’m not talking about devotion. I’m talking about desperation. About sacrifice. Tarry is the opposite of budget, apportion, make time for, pencil in. To tarry is being found on knees that are afraid to leave the presence. Desperate that God’s presence go with you, torn by the idea of having to leave that moment.

To be marked by a longing, evidence of mourning in the absence and ecstasy in the fullness alike. To be convinced that we cannot so much as take a breath without him!


Where aspirations, ambitions, dreams and desires are all thrown to the wind, and shed, all energy being concentrated into a sharp focus, a singular passion that your life, your very demeanor shouts:


I. Must. Know. God.


"What is your vision? Life goals? Where will you be in five years? How will you do it?"

well, I'm going to pray. and seek him.


What a weak, foolish, beautiful thing! To defy the American dream, where we can accomplish whatsoever great, admirable thing we put our mind to, our resources behind and our belief in.


But instead, we are led into God's dream of conforming us to Jesus Christ through our knowledge of him in intimacy, and this stunningly beautiful pursuit has the power to transform the entire world in the process!


Our God is as a loyal, faithful lover, burning with jealous, righteous longing for each of us, his bride, who truly belong to him; how great the mercies and love will he lavish on us when we run into his arms!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wait - part 1


The walk of faith is one of waiting. More often, learning to wait. A trusting that, without the voice of God, we are lost and wander aimlessly, in futility.

We have forgotten. We have lost the ability and knowledge of serenity. When so many things scream at us for action, beseeching us for priority and begging our instant attention.

When so many desires burn for gratification and feelings cry for satisfaction.

And we are afraid. We are afraid to deny, afraid to wait. Afraid to die.

A lost opportunity, a moment escaped to never be found. All pleading for us.

To give in to desire, we are in ourselves deceived because we believe that we will miss something. But what is it that we miss?

We miss God.

As a lover’s eye becomes fixed, and a world transformed, shaped around the person, the deepness of God’s heart burns for our reckless pursuit of him. A foolish pursuit, an entire shift in focus. A constant thought and creation inspiring great mysteries, compelling great actions. Provoking great longing.

We fall in joy into a new realm of wonder and begin to speak new language, so foreign to our hearts yet so convicting in its purity and strength. We feel home.

But the two melodies grapple, searching for reconciliation, resolution. Communion.

Where the world says ‘take control’, God says ‘let go control’.

Where the world says ‘speak’, God says ‘listen’.

Where the world says ‘achieve, accomplish, follow ambition’, God says ‘believe, surrender, follow my  voice.’

Where the world says ‘assume command of your own destiny’, God says ‘I am your destiny.’


“One word will do”, says the LORD.

(to be continued)