The word is tarry. Now almost antiquated, rarely arising to be noticed or thought upon. To tarry in his presence. To persevere in pursuit, to stoke desire. What would you do, to know him? What would you put aside to hear his voice?
I’m not talking about devotion. I’m talking about desperation. About sacrifice. Tarry is the opposite of budget, apportion, make time for, pencil in. To tarry is being found on knees that are afraid to leave the presence. Desperate that God’s presence go with you, torn by the idea of having to leave that moment.
To be marked by a longing, evidence of mourning in the absence and ecstasy in the fullness alike. To be convinced that we cannot so much as take a breath without him!
Where aspirations, ambitions, dreams and desires are all thrown to the wind, and shed, all energy being concentrated into a sharp focus, a singular passion that your life, your very demeanor shouts:
I. Must. Know. God.
"What is your vision? Life goals? Where will you be in five years? How will you do it?"
well, I'm going to pray. and seek him.
What a weak, foolish, beautiful thing! To defy the American dream, where we can accomplish whatsoever great, admirable thing we put our mind to, our resources behind and our belief in.
But instead, we are led into God's dream of conforming us to Jesus Christ through our knowledge of him in intimacy, and this stunningly beautiful pursuit has the power to transform the entire world in the process!
Our God is as a loyal, faithful lover, burning with jealous, righteous longing for each of us, his bride, who truly belong to him; how great the mercies and love will he lavish on us when we run into his arms!
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